18 January, 2010

Santiago in Peru

Cusco, Peru
18 January 2010

Once again I am writing for an undefined audience, but I have been pleased to discover that both pilgrimages and my favorite saint Santiago (St. James the major) are well represented in Peru. Santiago is the patron saint of the city and region of Cusco. A statue of Santiago dominates one of the three chapels in the city´s cathedral, though in a guise I do not favor ¨Santiago Mataindios¨ a variant of the more common Santiago Matamoros.

Yesterday on a visit to the spectacular Inca site at Ollantaytambo, we discovered that the parsh church there is named for Santiago as well. When I return to the US and have a little time for investigation of the topic, I shall have more intelligent (I hope) commentary to make on the topics of pilgrimages in Peru and the role of Santiago in Peru.

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