Almost half the way and not a single posting! Blame excessively hot weather the first week, my age and the strain of walking, an iphone as a computer terminal, and lots of people.
The number walking is truly phenomenal. In 1998 and again in 2001 I was accustomed to walking for hours and seeing one or two other peregrinos. This morning, while it was still dark, the parade of peregrinos out of Carrion de los Condes reminded me of the rush to METRO stations a little later in the morning in the DC suburbs. Doing the Camino this time is proving to be a vastly different experience in many ways from past walks. Solitude is not available on the Camino Frances this autumn! When I return,I shall comment at length on the changes. For the moment,composing on an iphone is taking all of the fun out of blogging!
We walked from Pamplona to Fromista in May, and were never lonely. I will be interested to read your thoughts when you finish.