I. A brief examination of three pilgrimages.
II. Pilgrimage and official opinion
a. Sanctioned and encouraged pilgrimages
b. Tolerated pilgrimages
c. Popular pilgrimages, officially discouraged
III. What is pilgrimage?
a. Some definitions
b. Sacred and secular pilgrimages
IV. Where do pilgrims go?
a. Christian examples
i. Major shrines (Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela)
ii. Minor shrines
iii. Romerias
b. Other than Christian examples
V. Travel to the shrine
a. Only the destination shrine is important
b. The route is the pilgrimage
VI. Pilgrim motivations
a. Religious
i. Supplicants
ii. Thanks givers
iii. Penitents
iv. Seekers
v. Community membership
b. Extra-religious
i. Adventure
ii. Trade
iii. Diplomacy and war
iv. Escape
v. Heresy
vi. Crime
VII. Pilgrimage and tourism
VIII. The remainder of the course
a. Course Schedule
b. Limitations
i. A socio-cultural examination, not a discussion of theology
ii. Tolerant of most religious viewpoints
iii. Biased toward Christian examples in Europe and the Americas
iv. My other limitations
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